Among the energy solutions aiming at both mitigation and adaptation to climate change, geothermal energy assisted by geothermal heat pumps has an important role to play, especially in the field of space heating and cooling for new buildings, but also in thermal renovation strategies as climate change is expected to
The prospects opened up by the possibility of sectoral coupling were highlighted (Part 1) by the successive review, of the different ways of electrification of uses and the different sectoral couplings Power-to-Heat (P2H) and Power-to-Gas (P2G) links [1]; the electrification of heat uses, via heat pumps in industry and
In a power system with increased need for flexibility, wind and solar power are characterised by considerable volatility across different scales and their output cannot be predicted with certainty. In order to deal with the resulting variations and forecast errors, system operators as well as electricity markets will need to