Présentation d’éléments techniques et économiques permettant d’éclairer la trajectoire d’évolution du mix électrique sur les quarante prochaines années, en complément des orientations retenues dans dans la programmation pluriannuelle de l’énergie (horizon 2028). Le système électrique français est à ce jour majoritairement alimenté par un parc électronucléaire qui dote la France
This paper reinforces the concept that argues energy services should be evaluated from a ‘capability perspective’ rather than a mere utility point of view. It does so by evaluating the role of electricity in improving the quality of people’s lives, using the capability approach, looking at the case of rural
The report present the state of the energy transition in the European power sector, to update what happened in 2017. Key topics include renewables growth, conventional power generation, power consumption, and CO2 emissions. It also makes this data available to download in order to enable others to perform up-to-date analysis
This paper addresses the following questions: Under plausible scenarios for the development of the demand/supply balance, load factors, and generation margins, what is the profitability of Chinese coal-fired power plants and the scale of potential asset stranding? What policies could be deployed to limit the political economy frictions of power