Puig D., Farell T.C

Usages de l’énergie
October 2015
Titre Ouvrage:
The Multiple Benefits of Measures to Improve Energy Efficiency : a summary report
Copenhagen : UNEP DTU Partnership
110 p.

The report combines energy modelling with a survey of 25 national programmes, to provide an overview of the various benefits associated with improvements in energy efficiency ;  it puts forward three main conclusions : the efficiency with which energy is transformed, distributed and used is likely to improve, even in the absence of targeted policies to promote energy efficiency ; introducing such targeted policies could unlock much larger energy savings and associated benefits across economic, social and environmental agendas ; monitoring the nature and extent of the benefits associated with energy efficiency programmes spurs the development of new programmes and helps improve their design.

Disponible sur: http://www.unepdtu.org/-/media/Sites/Uneprisoe/News%20Item%20(pdfs)/Multiple%20benefits%20of%20measures%20to%20improve%20EE.ashx?la=da